1 Day to Court and counting.  We prepared today for Court tomorrow morning.  This afternoon was the last time we will see Sasha until after court.  No visit tomorrow morning.
Sasha's Story
March 13, 2003

Dinner at Igor's House ... 
what a wonderful experience
Today was a very long but exciting day.  We started with our first visit with Sasha. We had fun as always and after two weeks are inventing new games daily.  Today it was look out the window and go to Daddy then turn around and go to Mommy.  Every visit when we finish it looks a tornado has come through the playroom ... but it is just a reminder as we take Sasha back to his room of the fun we have had.  

After the visit we went to run lots of little errands in preparation for court and bringing Sasha home.  We also had been invited by Igor to come to his house for dinner so we made sure to buy gifts.  Flowers for Olga, Igor's wife, chocolates for his two sons, Mox and Altom, and wine. Being invited to dinner is an honor and we were very excited.  

Then back to the Baby House for, hoepfully, our last visit with Sasha.  We will not see Sasha tomorrow morning due to our court time.  We had a wonderufl visit and also had Elena, Ministry of Education rep, visit us for the visit.  We played and played and got lots of kisses from Master Sasha.  It was a wonderful visit and we are praying our last. Following the visit we prepared for court with Asia and Olga.  Going through all the questions and how we need to reply and what we need to cover.  For court, Tim will do most of the talking and I will do the add-ins and of course the emotional piece.

Then off to Igor's apartment for dinner.  We all (Olga, Asia, Doris, Matthew, Igor, Phillipe, Tim and I) arrived and met Olga, Igor's wife and his two sons.  Olga had set a beautiful table with all kinds of food.  We looked at pictures and leanred all about the family.  There was one in of us on our first visit with Niko and Alex.  Niko was dressed in his beautiful pink bonnet.  Next came dinner with lots of food and wonderful toast ... hince way to much Vodka and wine.  The food was delicious ... we had pork with potatoes, sturgeon (fish), spicy carrot salad, sausage with cavier and cheese (Phillipe caught the fish), sausage salad, nooodles with carrots and asparagus, fish salad, meat and cheeses, and bread.  Lots and lots of food and drink.  As we all are now stuffed (thank goodness we did not eat lunch) it is time for dessert.  But first we have milk tea with is a treat.  The tea was excellent.  His wife then brought out a gorgeous three layer cake with pink flowers all around.  Phillipe cut the cake in equal slices and satrted to serve.  He served all three layers to the slice ... he is quite a character.  I have never seen such a big piece of cake.  Everyone shared and ate again way too much.  Then we looked at more pictures, this time from Phillipe, he had pictures of previous families and his family.  Also, Mox pulled out the horse you trick we had given them last time we were here and showed us all how he had mastered it.  Then he had everyone else trying to work the puzzle and thanks to his teaching Olga (coordinator) awed us all.  As it was getting late and we all needed to prepare for court our dinner came to a close with thank you's all around and big hugs.  Igor has a wonderful family and it was truely an honor to be invited to his home for dinner.  It will be an evening to remember.

P.S. We did take pictures but all with the regular camera so they will be posted once we return.  
Where is Sasha???
Tickle Fest
Mommy and Sasha
Sasha and Masha's Bridge over the Oral River
Tiring work, I want Cheerios
No ... Now I'll have a Tude
Okay, its over ... Let's Play
Higher Daddy!!!
Our new game.  walk to Daddy ... big hug ... walk to Mommy ... look out the window ... big hug and back again
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Noah's Pics of the Day